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Minutes of July Oklahoma Space Alliance Meeting

         Oklahoma Space Alliance met at Earl’s Rib Palace in Moore on July 9, 2016. Attending were Will Decker, Russ Davoren, Syd Henderson, Richard Holtzschue, Kay Fiel, Clifford and Claire McMurray, Don Robinson, Tim Scott, Linda Shannon, Dave Sheely, Arvind Srikath, Bryan Swift, Karen Swift, Rosemary Swift, Rachelle Thibodeau. OSA President Steve Swift could not be at this meeting. In his absence, OSA Vice-President Dave Sheely presided.
            We weren’t in our usual meeting room for the first part of the meeting, but in an open area which was much noisier.
            Dave did an Update for this meeting which covers most of the material we covered. You can find it at http://osa.nss.org/Update1607.pdf. I’ll give some highlights:
            We watched a video on the Juno probe’s arrival at Jupiter. The close-up of Io and Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is an artist’s conception. At the time of the meeting, Juno wasn’t taking close-ups.
            We watched a video of the Chinese Long March 7 in its hangar. The rocket is being moved from Tianjin to the island of Hainan off the southern coast of China/
            We have $1045.99 in our checking account and $257 in cash, for a total $1302.99.
            We passed out Ad Astras at Soonercon.
            Claire talked about Enterprise in Space.
            The Indian Space Research Organization launched a PSLV which carried twenty satellites into orbit.
            We watched a video of Jeff Bezos’s talk “Spaceflight: Then, Now and Next” which was presented  at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum. This was part of the 40th anniversary of the Air & Space Museum. The video kept halting, which made it difficult to watch.
                                                                        --Minutes by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson
Notes on July OSIDA Meeting

            The Oklahoma State Industrial Development Authority met July 13 at the Oklahoma Department of Transportation building in Oklahoma City. Board members in attendance were James Cunningham, Robert Cox, Michael Halsey and Ben Robinson. Bailey Siegfried, David Greer and Donald Wetekam were not present. There were five in the audience including David Sheely and Syd Henderson from OSA.
            Ben Robinson and David Greer are new members of the OSIDA board, replacing Jack Bonny and General Jay Edwards, whose terms expired. Officers were elected this time, with Mr. Cunningham continuing as Chair, Mr. Cox re-elected as Vice-President and Mr. Siegfried reelected in abstentia as secretary.
            There was a vote that passed to change the Oklahoma Spaceport’s associated city on aviation charts from Clinton to Burns Flat.
            The New Shepard rocket takes off and lands vertically and now can legally be launched from the Oklahoma Spaceport.
            The FAA Launch Site Operators License has been renewed until June 2021.
                                                                                    --Notes by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

Contact person for Oklahoma Space Alliance is Claire McMurray.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Webmaster is Syd Henderson.

Copyright ©2016 by Oklahoma Space Alliance.