A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of September Meeting

            Oklahoma Space Alliance met at Earl’s Rib Palace in Moore on September 10, 2016. In attendance were Dave Sheely, Jasmine Kendricks, Claire and Clifford McMurray, John Nortcutt, Rosemary Swift, Dennis Wigley, Tracee, Syd Henderson and one person whose name I didn’t catch. Since Steve Swift is still recovering from therapy, OSA Vice President Sheely presided over the meeting.
            Dave did an Update for this meeting which is online at http://osa.nss.org/Update1609.pdf, so I’ll just give highlights of the meeting.
            A SpaceX Falcon rocket exploded on the Launchpad during a routine pre-flight firing. We watched a video of the explosion, which lasted some time and was pretty spectacular.
            There’s a mountain near one of the poles of the Moon that is constantly in sunlight. Since there also craters which are constantly in darkness and contain ice, this might be a good place to set up a base.
            We watched a video on Enterprise in Space including the prize-winning entry that will contain the experiments.
            Claire mentioned that if you are over 65 and a NSS member, you can get a $40 dollar membership for the ISDC in St. Louis.
            We watched a video of the explosion of a Chinese Long March 4C booster.
            We watched a 2011 video by Jeff Greeson called “Captain of Our Fate” on the cost barriers we must overcome before we have a significant presence in space.
            Clifford mentioned that Senator Shelby is blocking orbital fuel depots.
            Claire and Kip met with Senator Langford.
            There will be tables for each chapter at the Saint Louis ISDC. Can we man it?
            Was there an experiment in August that indicated FTL might be possible (by warping space)?
            We watched a video of OSIRIS-REx Launch from several angles including a camera on top of the rocket.

                                                Minutes by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

Contact person for Oklahoma Space Alliance is Claire McMurray.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Webmaster is Syd Henderson.

Copyright ©2016 by Oklahoma Space Alliance.