A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of July Meeting
                Oklahoma Space Alliance held its regular monthly Meeting on July 8 at Earl’s Rib Palace in Moore, Oklahoma. In attendance were Steve and Karen Swift, Russ Davoren, Mike Hopkins, Claire and Clifford McMurray, John Northcutt, Tim Scott, Linda Shannon, Dave Sheely, Brian Swift, Rosemary Swift, Christopher Taylor, Dennis Wigley, and Syd Henderson. This was Mr. Taylor’s first meeting.
            OSA member Don Robinson passed away last March.
What’s Happening in Space. This is online at http://osa.nss.org/1707%20Whats%20Happening.pdf so I’ll just list a few highlights.
            SpaceX launched a Bulgarian satellite aboard a reused launcher. The launcher also returned for a landing.
            SpaceX won the launch contract for the USAF X37B miniature space plane. The United Launch Alliance did the previous three launches.
            SpaceX is still repairing the launch pad that was damaged in the Falcon explosion last year.
            We watched a historical video of sixty years of Atlas launches.
            American private space company Rocket Lab made its first launch (from New Zealand). and we watched a video of the launch.
            We watched a video of the June 28 Ariane 5 launch from French Guiana.
Business Meeting:
            We have $1038.26 in checking account and $267 in cash, for a total of $1305.26. We voted to give a guest membership to Linda Shannon.
            Claire paid to renew our Meetup site and Tim will reimburse.
            Tim went to an ISDC talk on the Space Launch System, which will cost so much per launch that we could launch several Dragon capsules for the same price. Syd did a lengthy summary of his experiences at the ISDC for OUTREACH.
            The former Chapters domain NSSChapters.org was taken over by a porn site/dating service. There were still some links to this in old newsletters online which Syd is changing or deleting. The current domain is chapters.nss,org.
            The Home Office Blitz is coming up, since Congressmen and their staffs are coming home for the August recess.
            We watched a video on SpaceX.
            NSS is planning to launch a supercomputer (?) next year as part of Enterprise in Space.
            We watched a video of the Mars Society’s Pioneer Award presentation to Elon Musk,

--Minutes by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

Contact person for Oklahoma Space Alliance is Claire McMurray.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Webmaster is Syd Henderson.

Copyright ©2017 by Oklahoma Space Alliance.