A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of February Meeting

            Oklahoma Space Alliance met at the McMurray’s house on February 17. Attending were Claire McMurray, John Northcutt, Tim Scott, Tom Koszoru, Syd Henderson and Laura Campbell. This was the first time Laura had attended a meeting, although she has been corresponding with us for months. She is an engineer for Rocketplane.
            Yuri’s Night will be in two large rooms at the Moore public library at April 12. We are hoping for a speaker with Rocketplane. Laura will ask around at Rocketplane. We will have a DVD on Zero G. We will not have a live band, just a boom box.
            We will begin setting up at 5:30 p.m. The celebration will be from 6:30 until 8:30 p.m. We have to be out of the Library by 9:00 p.m. There is wifi at the Library so we can connect to the internet as part of the international celebration.
            We will contact Magi Whitaker with the Challenger Center. She knows how to do two stage rockets. The age group would be ~12 and up. Should we do a costume party?
            We cannot put things on walls, but we can on woodwork. We can tape a poster to the door. Claire has quite a few posters, which we went through. Tom will get foam board to hold the posters.
            The Omniplex wants to know in November or December about next year’s Yuri’s Night. That will be on a Saturday. Syd should put in web Update that the Omniplex will participate next year.
            Laura suggested a space colony costume party. But would boys participate? Perhaps if we call it a costume parade?
            We should have door prizes.      
            To register Yuri’s Night event will cost $25.00. We will get a Yuri’s night packet if we do so.
            We discussed publicity. We can send out a press release. Laura can get a list of places to send it to.
            Tom suggested doing a turkey roast at the Medieval Fair.
            Should we have a meeting at a restaurant? Possibly in June?
            The 2008 ISDC will be in Washington. Toronto and Orlando are bidding for 2009.
            Who is the publicity person for OSIDA?
            The next meeting will be at the McMurrays’ at 3:00 p.m. on March 17.

To contact Oklahoma Space Alliance, e-mail Syd Henderson.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Copyright �2006 Oklahoma Space Alliance.