A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of April 7 Work Meeting

       Oklahoma Space Alliance had a work meeting at the McMurray house on April 7, 2007. Attending were Tom Koszoru, Claire McMurray, Magi Whitaker and Syd Henderson.
       The Space Tree Seedlings have arrived. These are sycamore seedlings grown from seeds which flew on board the Apollo 14 mission. One of the seedlings will go to the Omniplex Air and Space Museum in Oklahoma City. The other one we have offered to the Oklahoma Spaceport. If they cannot accept it, we have offered the seedlings to the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History on the University of Oklahoma Campus in Norman.
       We have a Yuri's Night greeting clip for the website from Charles Simonyi, a private citizen who will spending Yuri's Night 2007 at the International Space Station. The instructions for installing this clip on the web site are copied from the Yuri's Night web site and copied with the encouragement of that site. They didn't include instructions for pausing the clip, so it plays in its brief entirety each time the page is accessed.
       We now have a press release for Yuri's Night.
       There will be a Botball demo at Yuri's Night thanks to the KISS Institute of Practical Robotics in Norman.
       We received our Yuri's Night Supplies from headquarters. These include second-generation sycamore "space seeds", a t-shirt, patches and a boxful of copies of the special "50 years in Space" issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology.
       Magi has received a package of photographs of the crew of Space Shuttle Mission STS-115, which will be in space on Yuri's Night, and gave us a handful. She also brought instructions for constructing two-stage balloons.
       Tom will bring an ice tea maker. Magi thinks she has three large containers with spouts for serving beverages.
       We can start setting up at 4:30 p.m. on April 12, since the people who had that room at 4:30 have canceled. The Yuri's Night celebration begins at 6:30 p.m. We cannot use dry ice as planned because the fog may set off the smoke detectors in the library.
       The Yuri's Night Web Site has songs that be downloaded. Tom will do this.
       We divvied up assignments for picking up drinks, food and other party-related materials. We will need a sign-up sheet. Magi will bring a digital cameral. Syd will bring newsletters and registration forms. Since Syd has a copy of the Oklahoma Space Alliance logo [it's at the top of the page], he can put that on forms.

To contact Oklahoma Space Alliance, e-mail Syd Henderson.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Copyright �2006 Oklahoma Space Alliance.