A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of May Meeting

            Oklahoma Space Alliance met on May 19 at the Koszorus’ house. Attending were Tom Koszoru, Syd Henderson, Tim Scott and Clifford McMurray. Claire McMurray was already in Dallas helping with the preliminary work for the International Space Development Conference May 25 – 28. Tom and Syd are going down on Thursday morning, and Tim on Wednesday night. Cliff is waiting on David St. John to decide whether to go down with us. Several Oklahoma Space Alliance members were invited to attend for free the Space Venture Finance Symposium on May 24, as were other attendees of the ISDC. Syd, Tim, Cliff and Tom are taking advantage of this offer, which would normally cost $350.
            Claire McMurray talked to Bill Khourie about the ISDC, but Bill can’t come because of an illness in the family.
            Syd sent out copies of Outreach to everyone who signed our signup sheet at Yuri’s Night. He sent e-mail copies to those who gave e-mail addresses and hard copies to those who only gave home addresses. He’s had one response so far and added that person to the e-mail list.
            Yuri’s Night went well as reported in the April Update. We need to talk to David Miller at the University of Oklahoma about reviving the SEDS chapter there.
            Tim called David St. John to ask him about his plans for the ISDC. [Dave and Cliff eventually went down separately, deciding some sleep before the all-day symposium was probably a good idea. I had to pick a friend up at the airport on Wednesday night, so decided to do without sleep.]
            We talked about doing a party at Soonercon but didn’t settle on arrangements. [We finally decided a few days before Soonercon not to have a party since the OSA members who were going were commuting and didn’t want to reserve a room for a few hours just to throw a party.] Leonard Bishop, the programming head at Soonercon, has asked us to do some space paneling there, and Claire is arranging that.
--Minutes submitted  by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

To contact Oklahoma Space Alliance, e-mail Syd Henderson.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Copyright �2006 Oklahoma Space Alliance.