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Minutes of August Meeting

          Oklahoma Space Alliance made a field trip to TGV Rockets in Norman Oklahoma, where Pat Bahn showed off his facilities. Claire and Clifford McMurray, Tom Koszoru, Tim Scott and Syd Henderson attended from Oklahoma Space Alliance. This isn’t where they actually store their rockets, although Pat showed us some of their hardware including tiles.
          TGV is developing a new engine so that they can use JP8 fuel (jet fuel) which Bahn claims is a lot more accessible than rocket fuel used by other companies. They have designed engines and can turn out a new one in about six months.
          TGV tested an engine earlier this year which was damaged in a hard (i.e. explosive) start. One of the chambers of the engine cracked but the engine survived in one piece.

          After the field trip, Claire, Cliff, Tom and Syd went over to the Koszoru house for a pot luck supper with Heidi Koszoru helping set up the food. Tom showed off Second Life to those who haven’t seen it.

--Minutes submitted  by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

To contact Oklahoma Space Alliance, e-mail Syd Henderson.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Copyright �2006 Oklahoma Space Alliance.