A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of October Meeting

      Oklahoma Space Alliance met at the Koszorus’ on October 20. Attending were Tom and Heidi Koszoru, Claire McMurray, Tim Scott and Syd Henderson.
      Claire went to the Astronomy Club meeting in Oklahoma City. They will be having a Star Party on the nights of November 16 and 17. Syd is to check their web site for future Sky parties [They will also be having Dark Sky parties on December 1 and 8 and a Christmas Party on the December 14. These are now listed in the Calendar section where I’ll try to remember to list them. Their web site is www.okcastroclub.com] Claire suggested that we may want to attend the event on November 17, which falls on the night of our meeting.
      Syd needs to check with the robotics people about future events and invite David Miller and Cathryne Stein to our Christmas Party.
      We discussed fundraisers, including selling NSS Calendars. Syd is buying an extra one for his father.
      How can Yuri’s Night be turned into a fundraiser? Tom suggested that we could work with the Knights of Columbus for a casino night. There is a $500 down payment of which we would provide $200 – 250. For casino night there are three people for a table and they’ll have to wear tuxedos. We use funny money. Admission is charged to the whole event. Oklahoma Space Alliance and maybe the Omniplex can do it.
      Another suggestion is a dance, presumably charging admission.
      We have had a page in Ad Astra for the last three months for chapter events. Claire will forward three digital photographs of our display at TrickConTreat from early October.
      Tom is going to do an orientation for chapters on Second Life. Tom is Chair of the Chapters Assembly of the National Space Society.
      We need to provide for tags (plates?) for the “Space Trees” we gave to the Oklahoma Spaceport and Omniplex. These two tags will cost $25 apiece.
      We looked on YouTube for a demo of Second Life, but we couldn’t get it to play.
      Someone suggested doing a slide show of what our probes have found. We also suggested doing an alternative afternoon thing for kids.
      We talked about bringing back Space Alliance letterhead. We had some several years ago, but that reflected obsolete contact information, and, if there was a website, it’s one we haven’t used for years. Syd suggested that we should keep the headers on a computer and print it off as we need it.
      The Christmas Party will be December 15 at 5:00 p.m.
      We need to put Congresswoman Mary Fallin on our e-mail list, and e‑mail copies to the appropriate staffer.

--Minutes submitted  by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

To contact Oklahoma Space Alliance, e-mail Syd Henderson.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Copyright �2006 Oklahoma Space Alliance.