A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of March Meeting

      Oklahoma Space Alliance met at 3:30 p.m. on March 15, 2008 at the McMurray’s residence. Heidi Koszoru, Russ Davoren, Syd Henderson, and Claire McMurray attended, and Clifford McMurray occasionally dropped in.
Syd still needs to put meetings of the Oklahoma City Astronomy Club in the newsletter.
      Russ joined OSA for one year.
      Clifford McMurray is chair of the business track for the 2008 International Space Development Conference. There will be a Space Venture Finance Symposium the day before the conference.
      Yuri’s Night: The chair of the Challenger Space Center of Oklahoma City is in intensive care, so we can’t meet there. We will do a party at a restaurant. Magi Whitaker suggested Denny’s, possibly the one on I240 in Oklahoma City . Cheryl at the Omniplex in Oklahoma City said no. Red Lobster is another possibility. Clifford can bring his slides of Baikonur.
      We should invite David Miller and Cathryn Stine, Magi and her family, and the folks at the Omniplex.
      Can we arrange a small donation to the Oklahoma City Astronomy Club’s astronomical observatory dedication at the Cheddar Ranch on May 31. Send a donation of $200?   We’ll buy a concrete pad for setting a telescope on. It will cost $100 – 150 and we can put our name on it. Glen Kilgour is the contact person.Tim has paid for the space calendars. We now have about $800 left.
      Upcoming events for the Oklahoma City Astronomy Club:
            Saturday, May 29: Messier Marathon .
            April 5 and 26, Dark Sky Parties.
            May 4: Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower.
      Syd needs to put meteor showers in Outreach calendar.
      We’ll make Yuri’s night our regular meeting. This means Update must go out a week earlier than usual.
      What is the actual name of the Oklahoma City Rocket Club. [ Oklahoma Rocket Association?]
      Claire and Clifford are going to the World Science Fiction Convention in Colorado in August. Syd is interested in going if he can afford it.

--Minutes submitted  by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

To contact Oklahoma Space Alliance, e-mail Syd Henderson.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Copyright �2008 Oklahoma Space Alliance.