A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of April (Yuri’s Night) Meeting

          The April meeting of Oklahoma Space Alliance was held at the Days Inn on Interstate 240 in Oklahoma City. This was our annual Yuri’s Night celebration. Attending were Tom and Heidi Koszoru, Tim Scott, Claire and Clifford McMurray, and Syd Henderson. Leonard Bishop attended on behalf of SoonerCon and Jennifer Lyons (Tom’s daughter) dropped by for the celebration, bearing Tom’s keyboard.
          Walter Koenig has cancelled as special guest for Soonercon. (John Ringo is the guest of honor.) Oklahoma Space Alliance will be doing a Party on Friday or Saturday night. [At this meeting, it looked like Friday, but there’s now an opening on Saturday, so we’ll decide at the May meeting.]
          We will donate $100 for a platform for the Oklahoma Astronomy Club’s Cheddar Ranch site. It will require an additional $50 for supervising. We’re allowing $200 total. The date of the dedication is May 31. We will have a table. Syd appears to be the only member who can attend. [This dedication has been moved to July 26, which conflicts with Conestoga—SFH]
          Tom now has our pictures on Flickr.
          Tom spoke on his Great Space Race project. He is preparing a power point presentation which would take an hour. The project can be done on Second Life. Each “nation” will have two teams, the decision makers and the Assemblers.
          Clifford McMurray spoke on “Asteroids—Threat and Promise.” He pointed out that it’s actually easier (in terms of Delta-V) to get to a Near Earth Asteroid than to the Moon.
          Yuri’s Night 2009 will fall on a Sunday. Do we want to hold it on the Saturday before?

--Submitted by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

To contact Oklahoma Space Alliance, e-mail Syd Henderson.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Copyright �2008 Oklahoma Space Alliance.