A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of November Meeting

          The Oklahoma Space Alliance chapter of National Space Society met at the Koszoru house on the afternoon of November 15. In attendance were Tom and Heidi Koszoru, Claire McMurray, John Northcutt and Syd Henderson.
         Claire and Clifford McMurray suggest that we sell coupon books as a fundraiser. The books have coupons for businesses in both Norman and Oklahoma City, including restaurants and supermarkets. We can sell them for $20.00 and split the profits between Claire asked if we would like to buy some ourselves or take some to sell. Syd cannot sell them at work but can sell them to friends and acquaintances. Anyone who sells five coupon books gets a free one.
         The November meeting is the one at which we nominate officers for the coming year. Nominees are Tom Koszoru for President, Claire McMurray for Vice President, and Syd Henderson as Secretary. Tim Scott was provisionally nominated as Treasurer, but Clifford McMurray is willing to serve if Tim can't.
        The Christmas Party will be at 5:00 p.m. on December 20 at the Koszoru house,
        Claire and Kip will be absent and incommunicado for most of the month of January.
        Claire will be a voting member of the Conference Committee of the National Space Society. This is the committee that works with the local chapter that is running the International Space Development Conference.
        We will probably be celebrating Yuri's Night on April 11 since April 12 is a Sunday. The 99s Museum of Women Pilots doesn't want to do a Casino Night. We still need to know if they want to host a celebration. Can we do it at a church? Other sites suggested are the recreation center next to the Moore Library, Rose State College, and meeting rooms, if any, at the Lloyd Noble Center.
        The 99s want to charge $30.00 for a meeting.

        Tom has a Space Week project for Second Life. Tom wants to work on a start-up kip for NSS chapters on Second Life. This would be based on the kit we use for international chapters. Chapters on Second Life could themselves be international since the members could login from any location hooked up in the real world. Syd can help for two Saturdays per month. Target date is the ISDC.
        We should give an invitation to Carolyn Smith at the 99s Museum to come to Christmas Party. Other people we should invite include Wayne Wyrick, Cheryl Neal, Cathryne Stein and David Miller. Claire can issue a RSVP at the Oklahoma City Astronomy Club meeting.

        Claire went to the Norman Public Library to look at their display case for the July celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. This is divided into three sections. We can devote the left section to 1957-72 (Apollo pre-space station), the right to 1973-2010 (space station era, including Skylab) and the third section to the future. This would run the month of July.
        Syd will contact the University of Oklahoma Library to see if they can do a display of space books for July. He should check with the History of Science collection about early space books such as those of Willy Ley and Arthur C. Clarke.
        We have received fifty space calendars of which eleven have gone to the 99s Museum. We may be able to sell some at the Omniplex. Syd bought three for gifts.
        No new news on the Rocket Racing League. Take it off the agenda.
        We went through the coupon fundraiser. [See above.] We should send an e-mail to the Fanarchy mailing list.
        We'll talk about space solar power at a future meeting.

--Minutes submitted by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

To contact Oklahoma Space Alliance, e-mail Syd Henderson.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Copyright �2008 Oklahoma Space Alliance.