A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of January Meeting

          Oklahoma Space Alliance met on January 24 at the house of Tom and Heidi Koszoru. Attending were Clifford and Claire McMurray, Tom and Heidi Koszoru, Tim Scott and Syd Henderson.
          Tom is part of a prison ministry program, so he talked about that while we were waiting for people to arrive,
          The ISDC dates for the hotel are not the same days listed as the conference, so beware.
          We have been receiving e-mails from NSS Downlink with a survey from the National Academy of Science which we are urged to respond to.
          The son of OSIDA Executive Director Bill Khourie was killed in a snowboarding accident in January. OSA will send a card.
          Tom, Tim and Syd need to do the activities report. The due date is February 15.
          Yuri's Night falls on Easter Sunday this year, which complicates doing activities. We will probably have to do a party at the McMurrays' at 6:00 p.m. on Easter night.
          We will do the coupon book fundraiser next year. Claire received a statement dated December 31 for $375 for the coupon books, This was before we returned the unsold coupon books and doesn't include the two free books two of us got for selling five books, or the $200 that we paid in early January.
          OSA member David Craig is now on Second Life.
          Between meetings, Tom and Syd worked on a chapter handbook for "virtual" (i.e. on-line) chapters of National Space Society and came up with a preliminary draft. Tom will send this to Claire for fixing up.
          Claire still needs to talk to the Norman Public Library about a space display in July. The display panel has a portion that is at a child's eye level, so we need stuff for a child to look at.
          Syd has talked to Bizzell Library on the Oklahoma University campus, but there is nothing definite yet.
          Cliff McMurray saw a survey online on Space Solar Power. We should put Solar Power in the future section of our Space Week display.
          Griffin is out as NASA Administrator. We don't know if he resigned or was dismissed.

          After the meeting, Clifford showed us the photographs of his and Claire's trip to South America. They went on a cruise starting in Buenos Aires, going through the Darwin Passage south of Tierra del Fuego, and on to Santiago, Chile.

--Minutes submitted by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

To contact Oklahoma Space Alliance, e-mail Syd Henderson.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Copyright �2008 Oklahoma Space Alliance.