A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of August Meeting

         Oklahoma Space Alliance met at the Koszorus’ house on August 15, 2009. In attendance were Tom and Heidi Koszoru, Claire McMurray, John Northcutt and Syd Henderson
         Janice Francis-Smith is no longer at the Journal-Record and her e-mail is bouncing, so she needs to be removed from the e-mail list.
         Remove Space Week projects from agenda since Space Week has passed.
         Clifford McMurray is going on a cruise to Antarctica. It’s an expensive trip, but Neil Armstrong will be on board and Kip couldn’t resist. Since he needs to raise money, he won’t be available for time-intensive projects.
         Tom would like to take a course on grant writing. Courses in this are available at OU. Can Syd do it?
         Claire brought an e-mail from the Traveling Space Museum.
         Still no minutes from the Chapters Assembly at the International Space Development Conference. However, the Virtual Chapters Startup Kit is now being assessed. Tom is awaiting disks on Space Solar Power so he can study it before he talks.
         Add an item on Social Media to the Agenda. This would include Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and some aspects of Second Life.
         October 4, the 52nd anniversary of the launch of Sputnik 1, is on a Sunday this year. Can we possibly do something at the Cheddar Ranch Observatory during the week of the anniversary, possibly on October 10?
         Would the Stafford Museum be interested in doing something for Yuri’s Night 2011, the 50th anniversary of manned space flight? Or maybe a space film in the Norman Public Library? A possibility is the Conoco Auditorium in Bizzell Library at Oklahoma University. Syd should check with the Film and Video Studies Department at OU.
         The Constellation report still hadn’t come out at this meeting.
         There is a space-elevator climber competition.
         We can do a display on near-earth asteroids that come between the Earth and the Moon.
         Our Logo is starting to look decrepit and old. We should start making designs for a new one and need ideas. Add “Logo” and “Treasurer’s Report to Agenda.
         Since Claire and Kip will be at the Winfield Music Festival on September 19, we move the September meeting to September 12.

Between Meetings Activities

         Tom, John, Claire, Kip and Syd gathered at the Norman Public Library on August 1 to take down the Apollo 11 anniversary exhibit. We donated this to the Stafford Space Museum in Weatherford, and they picked it up in August 26. [Correction: Claire took the exhibit to the museum.]
         Syd underwent surgery for prostate cancer on August 27, and any silly errors in this newsletter should be attributed to the influence of drugs.

--Minutes submitted by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

To contact Oklahoma Space Alliance, e-mail Syd Henderson.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Copyright �2008 Oklahoma Space Alliance.