A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of November Meeting

         Oklahoma Space Alliance met on the afternoon of November 21 at the Koszoru's. Attending were Claire McMurray, Tom and Heidi Koszoru, John Northcutt and Syd Henderson. Our guests were Adrian Lucy, Alyssa Grimley and Erin Longworthy from the newly formed Oklahoma University chapter of SEDS, the Students for the Education and Development of Space.
        Can we do Second Life on University computers?
        National Science Foundation grants go to science groups.
        Syd can start a Facebook Oklahoma Space Alliance page or group. Adrian recommended starting a page and can give advice on how to do it.
        "Blast!" is a feature documentary about the BLAST telescope and the scientists who created it (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLAST!_(2008_film)). Educational packet is $250, which includes the movie and educational DVD.
        When is Conestoga? April 23 - 25, 2010. Yuri's Night (April 12) is on a Monday in 2010. The 2011 Yuri's Night is on a Tuesday and will mark the 50th anniversary of manned spaceflight.
        SEDS will be asking for UOSA funding for rocketry and education. They are doing a rocketry program that they want to expand to educational outreach. They can do a Yuri's Night celebration on campus, perhaps around the Observatory.
        NSS has a deal with escript for credit card purchases. You can name up to three groups to receive money from credit card transactions.
        The Planetary Society is trying to rebuild their solar sail project.
        The Christmas Party will be 5:00 p.m. on December 19 at the Koszoru house. Unfortunately, this will be the day after OU has its finals so the SEDS members won't have a chance to attend.
       Oklahoma Space Alliance officer nominations:
        President: Tom Koszoru
        Vice-President; John Northcutt
        Secretary; Syd Henderson
        Treasurer: Tim Scott
        Claire is nominated for correspondence secretary as an appointed rather than elected position. Claire should be listed as contact person on website.
        We received newsletters from the Luna Project, whose website is http://www.lunarcc.org/. We met Chris Carson of the Project at Soonercon earlier this year.

--Minutes by Oklahoma Space Alliance Secretary Syd Henderson

Contact person for Oklahoma Space Alliance is Claire McMurray
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Webmaster is Syd Henderson.

Copyright �2009 Oklahoma Space Alliance.