A Chapter of the National Space Society

Oklahoma Space Alliance Home 

June 2009 Oklahoma Space Alliance UPDATE

         Oklahoma Space Alliance will meet at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 20 at Claire and Clifford McMurray’s house. Prospective members are also welcome. Their house is at 2715 Aspen Circle in Norman. Following the working part of the meeting, Kip will grill the hotdogs Tom left here last week. If anyone wants to bring hamburger meat, we can grill that too. We already have buns for both, as well as corn balls & chips. Claire will provide brownies. Please bring a side dish to share, if you haven’t left anything here.
         Syd & Tom: Please see agenda item 5d about display items to bring.
         To get to the meeting either: (1) Take the Lindsey Street east exit from I-35, turn right at Berry, and proceed to Imhoff Road. Turn right at Imhoff, first right at Poplar Lane, first left at Aspen Lane, and first right at Aspen Circle, or (2) Take the Highway 9 east off I-35, turn left at Imhoff Road, left at Poplar, left at Aspen Lane, and right at Aspen Circle.
         We will be working on the display commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. The display will be in the reading room of the Norman Public Library. (The room between the regular stacks and the children's section. Our display space is 44 feet long and about 81 inches high, although we'll only be using the top part of it. We also have two display cases. We have a lot of articles from Space News on 50 years in space for a time line

Agenda, beginning at 2 pm if at all possible:

1. (5 min) Introductions (if necessary)
2. (2 min) Read and approve agenda
3. (8 min) Read and approve minutes and reports of activities including SoonerCon
4. (5 min) Read and discuss mail
5.  Old Business
      a. (2 min) Progress of  Space Week Project for Second Life
      b. (2 min) Progress of  Start Up Kit for Chapters in Second Life
      c. (2 min) Progress of  40th Anniversary of Moon Landing project at OU library
      d. (until 5:50 pm) Work on 40 Years Since Apollo 11 project at Norman Public Library
Claire: bring good print of NASA & other financial information
Syd: bring info to display on missing important events
Tom: bring large-size copies of Space News articles
6. (5 min) New Business
7. (5 min) Create New Agenda & set time & place for next meeting
8. Pot luck supper. See menu above.

National Space Society News:

ISDC 2010

$60/40 chapter member registration rate before June 30
Mail form below—web reg. may not work in time.

National Space Society’s
29th International Space Development Conference
Memorial Day weekend, May 27-31, 2010
Chicago, Illinois
2010 – Four Decades After Apollo:
Getting Back to the Future We Originally Envisioned

at the new InterContinental O’Hare Hotel  [ www.icohare.com ]
For reservations:  888-424-6835  or  847-544-5300 Just $115 per night

· Latest Updates from the Many Roads to Space:
         -   “Big Aerospace”
         -     NASA
         -      “New Aerospace”
·      Everything You Wanted to Know About Space
·      Special Symposium on Space Solar Power
·      Building a Moon Base, Step-by Step
·      What Can We Do on Mars – and When and How
·      Tours of Argonne National Laboratory & Fermilab
·      Boat Tour of Chicago’s Historical Architecture
·       In one place at one time, meet the astronauts, scientists, entrepreneurs, administrators, politicians, and activists who make the future happen   


Just $60 (students $40) until June 30, 2009 (2009 was $250 at the door, $100 early)
            (NSS Chapter member registrations on or before June 30, 2009 are fully refundable)

Register online at ISDC 2010  [ www.ISDC2010.org ] or return the registration form below:



Name (please print) _____________________________________   Fee: $60 _____ or student $40 _____

Address ______________________________________________________________________________

Email _________________________________________________  Telephone ____________________

___ Check payable to “National Space Society” enclosed; or   _____ Credit card (complete below):

__VISA; __ MasterCard; __ Discover; __ AmEx.  No.______________________________ Exp____/____

Signature __________________________________

Chapter Name/Code____________________________

Mail to: National Space Society, 1155 15th Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC  20005

Space News

        NASA managers cancelled the Space Shuttle Endeavour launch to ISS for the second time Wednesday morning. The attempt to fuel after a storm passed was stopped when once again a leak was found associated with the gaseous hydrogen venting system outside Endeavour's external fuel tank. The next window for Endeavour’s launch will be in July.
        The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite are bound for the moon after a flawless liftoff June 18th from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida aboard an Atlas V rocket. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has separated from the Centaur upper stage and LCROSS spacecraft. LRO is on its way to the Moon and should reach it Tuesday. There it will gather crucial data on the lunar environment that will help astronauts prepare for long-duration lunar expeditions. The instruments will develop a high-resolution 3-D map of the lunar surface, examine hydrogen, ice & frost distribution, and examine the radiation environment. This will help choose future landing sites
        LCROSS, on the other hand, will guide an empty upper stage on a collision course with a permanently shaded crater in an effort to kick up evidence of water at the moon's poles. LCROSS itself will also impact the lunar surface during its course of study.

The Planetary Society LIFE experiment: [from PS web site]

         In 2009, the Russian space agency will launch a sample return mission nicknamed "Phobos-Grunt" to the Martian moon Phobos. According to plans, the spacecraft will land on Phobos, collect dirt and rocks from its surface, and then head back home. As it swoops by Earth in 2012, the spacecraft will release a capsule containing all the samples gathered on Phobos, to land on Earth.
         Attached to the capsule for the entire 34 months of the journey will be The Planetary Society's LIFE experiment: a small, flat cylinder containing a collection of microbes carefully selected to represent all three domains of life (bacteria, eukaryota, and archaea) and sealed before launch. In its flight, the cylinder will be, in effect, a simulated space rock, subject to the same extreme conditions as a Martian meteoroid traveling to Earth. Carefully packed and sealed with multiple seals, the LIFE samples will spend a full 34 months in space, before returning to Earth. Here it will be opened and its contents examined by waiting scientists.

Contact Information:

Oklahoma Space Alliance NSS is a chapter of the National Space Society. Contact NSS at 1155 15th Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC  20005, space.nss.org. Tel: (202) 429-1600 -- FAX: (202) 530-0659, E-mail: [email protected]  Direct questions about membership matters to: [email protected] . Many of us are also members of The Mars Society (see below). Both organ­iz­ations are interested in promoting settlements off Earth.

Our chapter website is http://osa.nss.org/index.html.  Webmaster is Syd Henderson. So far, one can join our chapter without joining NSS. To receive emails of our chapter newsletters for free, contact the editors (see below).

Oklahoma Space Alliance Officers, 2009 (Area Code 405)
Tom Koszoru, President                                         366-1797 (H)
Claire McMurray, Vice-President/Update Editor  329-4326 (H-no msg) 863-6173 (C-msgs OK)
Syd Henderson, Secretary & Outreach Editor        321-4027 (H)
Tim Scott, Treasurer                                               740-7549 (H)

OSA E-mail Addresses and Web Site:
claire.mcmurray at sbcglobal.net or at nss.org (Claire McMurray; can forward to Cliff)
T_Koszoru at cox.net (Heidi and Tom Koszoru)
sydh at ou.edu (Syd Henderson)
ctscott at mac.com (Tim Scott)
lensman13 at aol.com  (Steve Galpin)
dmcraig at earthlink.net (Nancy and David Craig).
E-mail for OSA should be sent to [email protected].  Members who wish their e-mail addresses printed in Outreach or Update, and people wishing space-related materials e-mailed to them should contact Syd. 

Other Contact Information
NASA: www.nasa.gov. Huge info source. Assorted phone numbers are also in there somewhere.

The Mars Society , Box 273, Indian Hills CO 80454. Old website doesn’t work: use http://www.marssociety.org/portal. Interested in human settlement on Mars: active projects.
The Planetary Society, http://www.planetary.org/home/. Phone from US & Canada: 1-800-9WORLDS (1-800-996-7537). Outside the US & Canada, phone 1-626-793-5100. Interested in exploring the solar system & beyond, mostly robotic. Nice magazine.

Science Museum Oklahoma (formerly Omniplex), 2100 NE 52nd St, Oklahoma City, OK 73111. Museum information: 405-602-6664 (old 800# doesn’t answer) Their new web site is http://www.sciencemuseumok.org/default.htm, but one must click on “Agree” or “Disagree” to enter the site

Oklahoma Space Industrial Development Authority (OSIDA), 401 Sooner Drive/PO Box 689, Burns Flat, OK 73624, 580-562-3500.  Web site www.state.ok.us/~okspaceport.
Tulsa Air and Space Museum, 7130 E. Apache, Tulsa, OK 74115, Phone (918)834-9900.
Web Site is www.tulsaairandspacemuseum.com.         

Congress of the United States: 202/224-3121 (switchboard). Senate: www.senate.gov/  

House of Representatives: www.house.gov. You can email most from those main web sites.

Write to any U. S. Senator or Representative at [name]/ Washington DC, 20510 (Senate) or 20515 [House].
President of the United States: www.whitehouse.gov. Click on “Contact Us” for email.

Postal mail: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500


 A Chapter of the National Space Society

Please enroll me as a member of Oklahoma Space Alliance.  Enclosed is:
                                    $10.00 for Mem­bership.  (This allows full voting privileges, but covers only your own newsletter expense.)
__________________ $15.00 for family membership

                                     TOTAL  amount enclosed

          National Space Society has a special $20 introductory rate for new members ($35 for new international members).  Regular membership rates are $45, international $60.  Student memberships are $20.  Part of the cost is for the magazine, Ad Astra.  Mail to: National Space Society, 1620 I (Eye) Street NW, Washington DC 20006, or join at space.nss.org/membership. (Brochures are at the bottom with the special rate.) Be sure to ask them to credit your membership to Oklahoma Space Alliance.
          To join the Mars Society, visit.  One-year memberships are $50.00; student and senior memberships are $25, and Family memberships are $100.00.    Their address is Mars Society, Box 273, Indian Hills CO 80454.

Do you want to be on the Political Action Network?
            Yes           No.  [See brochure for information.]



City                               State        ZIP           
Phone (optional or if on phone tree)                 

E-mail address (optional)                                 

OSA Memberships are for 1 year, and include a subscription to our monthly newsletters, Outreach and Update.  Send check & form to Oklahoma Space Alliance, 102 W. Linn, #1, Norman, OK 73071.


To contact Oklahoma Space Alliance, e-mail Syd Henderson.
102 W. Linn St. #1
Norman OK 73069
Copyright ©2007 Oklahoma Space Alliance.