A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of February 2010 Meeting

         Oklahoma Space Alliance met at the Koszoru house on February 27. The meeting was postponed a week to give President Koszoru a chance to be there. John Northcutt, Heidi Koszoru and Syd Henderson were also there. We also had two prospective members, Sean and Bill Sherrold, attend.
         Tom will give the Great Space Race to the club if the club will finance it. He figures to sell it to management training programs.
         Tom wants money making proposals. John wants to know what we would want the money for. We could possible pay for speakers.
         We could sponsor a film series on space exploration. Syd suggested contacting the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History at the University of Oklahoma about this, since they do movie series, and are currently doing one of movies about scientists.
         Syd brought copies of the NASA budget proposed by the Obama Administration and we discussed that.

--Minutes by Oklahoma Space Alliance Secretary Syd Henderson

Notes on March 10 OSIDA Meeting

         Syd Henderson attended the March 10 Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority meeting at the Oklahoma Department of Transportation Building in Oklahoma City. All seven board members (Chairman Joe King, former state Rep. Jack Bonny, former state Sen. Gilmer Capps, former state Sen. Cal Hobson, Gen. Ken McGill, Darryl Murphy, and Lou Sims) were present, which outnumbered the audience, which consisted of four people, not counting Executive director Bill Khourie and his administrative assistant Kim Vowell.
         OSIDA is facing a budget reduction of 10% for fiscal year 2010. If there is a change, it may be another 5%. Nothing has been decided for Fiscal Year 2011. There are some good signs in that the state’s tax revenue from oil and personal income tax was larger than expected in February, so that the state’s budget shortfall was 7 – 8 % rather than 20 %. The revenues at the bottom of the recession were the lowest since the Great Depression.
         The Rocket Racing League flight tests that were supposed to have taken place last month have been postponed. They hadn’t set a new date at the time of the meeting. They previously did flight tests in 2008.

--Notes by Oklahoma Space Alliance Secretary Syd Henderson

Contact person for Oklahoma Space Alliance is Claire McMurray
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Webmaster is Syd Henderson.

Copyright �2010 Oklahoma Space Alliance.