A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of September Meeting

         Oklahoma Space Alliance met at the Koszoru house on September 11. Attending were Tom and Heidi Koszoru, Claire McMurray, Tim Scott, John Northcutt and Syd Henderson.
         Tim has been having trouble with both his e-mail and his cell phone,
         The Mars Project is to send mice and a centrifuge into orbit and use the centrifuge to simulate Mars gravity.
         Tom has a friend who can help design a new logo.
         John gave $30 for Starbase, making the sum total donated by OSA members $160. They will be going at the end of September.
         We moved up the treasures report. We have $267 in Cash and $250 in our account.
         Tom still hasn’t gotten back to people about the startup kit.
         The University of California at San Diego has a degree to certify people in research.
         Tom did a book report on “You Have Three Minutes” by Ricardo Bellino, who was an apprentice of Donald Trump (an actual apprentice, not one from his show). The book deals with networking and building a team. Body language is 60% of communications.
         Tim reported on “Death from the Skies!: These Are the Ways the World Will End…” by Philip C. Plait, the author of “Bad Astronomy.”
         Claire reported on “How to Make Yourself (or Anyone Else) Famous,” by Gloria Michaels. You need a power base and an action plan. At this point, none of us have a space-related power base. Claire passed out forms we filled out for how to become a celebrity, and collected them. She is also going to have us fill out a form for Oklahoma Space Alliance itself.
         Tom talked to OU SEDS about Yuri’s Night. There were about seven people at the meeting, including Tom. Tom discussed it as a fundraiser.
         OU SEDS got a grant from NASA Space Grant Consortium.
         Syd had a box of fifty copies of the fall issue of Ad Astra, and gave away about half of them to members for distribution.
         John asked if there could be a half hour radio program devoted to space.
         Claire read a letter from Freeman Dyson et al. urging that Congress not adopt HR 5781, which was the House version of the NASA Authorization Bill. The National Space Society has been pushing for the Senate version of the bill to be adopted. [Follow-up: the NSS was apparently successful in this. The House bill died and, rather than slow down the bill further, the House adopted the Senate version of the Authorization Bill, passing it by a 3 – 1 margin.]

--Minutes by Oklahoma Space Alliance Secretary Syd Henderson

Contact person for Oklahoma Space Alliance is Claire McMurray
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Webmaster is Syd Henderson.

Copyright �2010 Oklahoma Space Alliance.