A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of January Meeting (Including OSIDA notes in text)

     Oklahoma Space Alliance met January 15 at Panera Bread at 4401 West Memorial Rd. in Oklahoma City. Attending were Tom Koszoru and his mentee Jason, Claire McMurray, James Trombley, Don Whitney, Russ Davoren, Steve and Jana Galpin, and Syd Henderson. Don, Russ and the Galpins all paid for their memberships.
     Tom went to Weatherford on New Year’s Eve and talked to the people at the Stafford Museum about Yuri’s Night. We can have a children’s event in the afternoon. We need a speaker. Russ has contacts and will meet with Tom. We can do the event on the 9th or 16th of April. Perhaps the Tripoli Rocket Club can help with children’s programming. We can contact OSIDA and Governor Fallin’s office about speakers, or perhaps Magi Whitaker.
     There was not much to report on the January OSIDA meeting, other than Bill Khourie met with George Whitesides of Virgin Galactic. Oklahoma Spaceport is ready for Virgin Galactic launches today if they so desire. The FAA Space Transportation Conference is February 9-10 so the next OSIDA meeting will be February 16.
     We have $251.52 in cash and $257 in the bank. We allocated $150 for Yuri’s Night (not counting possible individual contributions).
     We killed research funding and marketing for Burns Flat for the month.
     Claire is still looking for the discs on Space Solar Power from last year’s ISDC. Claire also dropped off copies of the Winter issue of Ad Astra at the Norman Library.
     We’re to ask the Russia program at OU for something, but I don’t know what.
     We’re replacing “Book Reviews” in the agenda with “What’s Happening in Space. We’re also adding “Movie Displays” to promote National Space Society at movies related to space.
     Annual reports are due around February 15. Syd is responsible for the activity report for the year, Tim for financial report, and Tom for the rest.

�����������      The February meeting will be at Panera Bread on February 12 at 3:30 p.m.

Contact person for Oklahoma Space Alliance is Claire McMurray
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Webmaster is Syd Henderson.

Copyright �2011 Oklahoma Space Alliance.