A Chapter of the National Space Society

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 Minutes of June Meeting

         Oklahoma Space Alliance met at the Koszoru’s house on June 11. Attending were Tom and Heidi Koszoru, Claire McMurray, John Northcutt, Russ Davoren and Syd Henderson.
         We will remove “Marketing for Burns Flat” from the agenda. OSIDA has already commissioned a video from a private company.
         We went over our activities at Soonercon with Claire, who wasn’t able to be at the convention. John went by the freebie table late during the convention and all our Ad Astras had been taken. (I still have a few at home—Syd.)
         Tom has been getting a lot of stuff on fundraising and awards for fundraising. Tom proposed to raise money for charity and/or projects.
         John mentioned Eugene Cernan’s proposal for dividing up NASA into several smaller specialist agencies.
         Tom and Claire both went to the International Space Development Conference in Huntsville, Alabama. Claire said there is a lot more water on the Moon than we previously thought. It’s hiding in the shadows of boulders. They’ve also found more big lava tubes.
         Tom spent most of the ISDC at the Foundry. A project he was proposing: would it be possible for SpaceX to launch 2000 scale models of the Dragon capsule into space? Tom is working on a business plan for that.
         Tom has retired from the Postal Service so some of his contact information has changed. He is inertialvoom at gmail.com and his work phone is obsolete.
         The Mars Society conference is April 4 – 7 in Dallas. Tom, John, Syd and Claire are interested.
         Our next meeting will be at the Panera Bread on Memorial Road in Oklahoma City.

--Minutes by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

Contact person for Oklahoma Space Alliance is Claire McMurray
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Webmaster is Syd Henderson.

Copyright �2011 Oklahoma Space Alliance.