A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of February Meeting

         Oklahoma Space Alliance held its regularly scheduled meeting on February 11 at the Denny’s s on the North Side I-240 service road in Oklahoma City. Attending were Steve Swift, Tom Koszoru, Claire McMurray, Dave Sheely, John Northcutt, and, toward the end of the meeting, Tim Scott.
         The budget for the Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority hasn’t been cut this year, apparently because the state has more money to budget this year.
         We went over the prospective new logo. The words “Oklahoma Space Alliance” should be moved over “National Space Society” with the words “a Chapter of” added. The circular part of the logo can be used as a watermark, but in that case we’ll have to add in lettering.
         Claire brought a photo of the “space tree” we donated to the Oklahoma Spaceport in 2007. This is a seedling that is the daughter of a sycamore that grew from a seed flown aboard Apollo 14. Our space tree now stands chest-high and stands in front of the Spaceport offices.
         We have $267 in cash and $263.12 in the checking account. Claire and Clifford McMurray have paid dues.

What’s Happening in Space?
         A full-scale test version of the Orion spacecraft was at the Science Museum Oklahoma in Oklahoma City. It is so large that it had to be brought in by back roads. [See “Space News.”]
         LAMP [Lyman-Alpha Mapping Project] on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter can look into the bottoms of shadowed craters near the Moon’s South Pole. [Note: It doesn’t have to illuminate; LAMP is so sensitive that it can see by starlight. “Lyman-Alpha” is the longest wavelength in the Lyman series on lines in the ultraviolet spectrum of hydrogen. Hydrogen also has the Balmer series of lines, the first four of which are in the visible spectrum.]
         India is talking about sending astronauts to the moon.
         NASA may have to choose between the James Webb Space Telescope and participation in the Mars Sample Return Mission.
         Stratolaunch Systems broke ground at Mojave. The article is here: http://stratolaunch.com/news.html.
         JPL shows three generations of Mars Rovers: http://marsrover.nasa.gov/gallery/press/opportunity/20120117a.html.
         In January, Earth was hit by the strongest geomagnetic storm in six years. This was set off by a coronal mass ejection from the Sun. The storm caused only minor problems with satellites, and planes taking polar routes were diverted.
         The Lynx spaceplane being developed by XCOR will be able to carry a pilot, one passenger and small payloads on suborbital flights. Mark II will top 100 miles and Mark III will be able to launch small satellites into orbital (although the spaceplane itself will not make orbit). Tickets will cost $95,000. The Mark I prototype is projected to launch this fall, with the tourism business starting in 2014. When fully operational, Lynx will be able to make up to four flights per day. Details here: http://www.xcor.com/products/vehicles/lynx_suborbital.html.
         The Delta Rocket Program was based on Thor. There have been 300 launches in 50 years.
         Claire and Clifford McMurray had a tour of the SpaceX facility at Cape Canaveral. SpaceX is still the only private company that has launched something into orbit and retrieved it.
         Atlantis and the other space shuttles have their own flags.
         Claire and Kip also went to the Oklahoma Spaceport. Steve Swift and his wife did also on a separate trip.
         The OSA phone contact number is Claire’s. We have about a dozen paid members.
         Syd is to send Tim the OSA addresses.

         The proposed theme for Oklahoma Space Alliance in 2012 is “What’s Happening in Space.” People think that space exploration is dead with the end of the shuttle program. We should use our theme as an emphasis for meetings, selection of speakers and topics for agenda items.

Candidate Goals and Objectives:
         More content in meetings.
         Work sessions outside of normal meeting times.
         Special meetings for events and speakers.
         Sponsor an essay contest.
         Promote space-related collectables.
         Prepare a brochure of OSA 2012.

         Is Oklahoma involved in the NSS Space Habitat Design Contest that takes place every year?
         Add Bigelow and Space Hotels to the agenda.

--Minutes by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

Notes on February 8 OSIDA Meeting

         The Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority met at the Oklahoma Department of Transportation on February 8. Darryl Murphy, Gilmer Capps, Lou Sims, Jack Bonny, Joe King and Phil Kliewer were the board members present. Syd Henderson and Steve Swift comprised the audience.
         The FAA may be increasing the distance required from launches to populated buildings. The Oklahoma Spaceport would be in compliance with the proposed increase, but other spaceports may have problems.
         OSIDA needs to apply for an exemption to use an outside contractor to do the webpage.        
         Bill has been invited to the Cecil Spaceport Development Summit at Florida State College at Jacksonville. Cecil Airport in Jacksonville is the eighth licensed commercial spaceport in the United States. Executive Director Bill Khourie and OSIDA chair Jack Bonny will attend the summit.
         FEMA will pay up to 75% of the first $670,000 required for the construction of the Operations Center at the Spaceport. Overruns will come from the OSIDA budget. FEMA is involved because of previous storm damage at the Spaceport.

         --Minutes by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

Contact person for Oklahoma Space Alliance is Claire McMurray.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Webmaster is Syd Henderson.

Copyright �201w Oklahoma Space Alliance.