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Minutes of August Meeting

         Oklahoma Space Alliance met at Harry Bears All-American Grill on August 9. In attendance were Steve, Karen and Brian Swift, Tim Scott, Don Robinson, Dave Sheely and Syd Henderson.
We currently have $813 in the bank and $267 in cash.
Art Contest: A necessary missing piece is the software to put the artwork on line. We may have to go outside our group. Do it all digital and have a sheet so they can give us permission to post artwork and whether to use a child’s name online.
Hometown Blitz: Claire has agreed to meet with Inhofe and Steve asked meet with the Lankford campaign. In whose district is the Oklahoma Spaceport? [Answer: Frank Lucas, 3rd District.]
Steve, David, Claire and Syd have signed up for Meetup.
XCor is doing a program for Student Suborbital Payloads. Steve has received a description of a payload.

         Dave Sheely did an overview of US Export Control law and how they apply to commercial space. This includes the International Traffic and Arms Regulation (ITAR), Export Administration Regulation (EAR), and the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTRC).
ITAR is administrated by the Department of State and includes the United States Munitions List. Space vehicles appear on the USML since they are also potential weapons or can bear potential weapons. This includes launch vehicles, explosives and propellants.
NASA’s exemptions do not apply EAR under all circumstances and never when dealing with foreign persons of proscribed countries. Included among these are rival powers such as China and Iran, and unstable countries such as Iraq, Somalia and Burundi. The EAR is administered by the Department of Commerce.
Section 9 of the EAR is Propulsion Systems, Space Vehicles and Related Equipment, and you can find it here:
www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/regulations/export-administration-regulations-ear (This is the most recent version, and may not be exactly what Dave presented.)
The MTCR consists of the following 34 countries:

Argentina (1993)
Australia (1990)
Austria (1991)
Belgium (1990)
Bulgaria (2004)
Brazil (1995)
Canada (1987)
Czech Republic (1998)
Denmark (1990)
Finland (1991)
France (1987)
Germany (1987)
Greece (1992)
Hungary (1993)
Iceland (1993)
Ireland (1992)
Italy (1987)
Japan (1987)
Luxembourg (1990)
Netherlands (1990)
New Zealand (1991)
Norway (1990)
Poland (1998)
Portugal (1992)
Republic of Korea (2001)
Russian Federation (1995)
South Africa (1995)
Spain (1990)
Sweden (1991)
Switzerland (1992)
Turkey (1997)
Ukraine (1998)
United Kingdom (1987)
United States of America (1987)

[China, Israel, Romania and the Slovak Republic voluntarily abide by the MTCR’s export laws despite not being members of the MTCR. China has applied but hasn’t been accepted due to concerns about its export standards.--SFH]
What’s Happening is online as part of http://osa.nss.org/Update1408.pdf.

                                                                Minutes by OSA Secretary Syd Henderson

Notes on August 13 OSIDA Meeting

The Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority met at 1:30 August 13, 2014 in the Department of Transportation Commission Room.  Topics of discussion include the following:

                                                                        Reported by OSA President, Stephen Swift

Contact person for Oklahoma Space Alliance is Claire McMurray.
PO Box 1003
Norman, OK 73070
Webmaster is Syd Henderson.

Copyright �2014 Oklahoma Space Alliance.