A Chapter of the National Space Society

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Minutes of December 14 Oklahoma Space Alliance Christmas Party

         Oklahoma Space Alliance had its annual Christmas party at the McMurray residence on December 14. In attendance were Clifford and Claire McMurray, Mark Deaver, Adam Hemphill, John Northcutt Dave Sheely, Tim Scott, Syd Henderson, and one visitor whose name I didn’t catch.
         We had one item of business, which was to elect officers. We confirmed the slate for this year, which was Clifford McMurray for President, Dave Sheely for Vice-President, Syd Henderson for Secretary, and Tim Scott for Treasurer,
         We had a prediction question to check out next year: How many Starship launches will there be this year. I said nine, and consensus seemed to be between that and a dozen,
         The Orion capsule costs twenty billion dollars, while SLS costs thirty-two billion dollars.
         Syd is having difficulty getting the website to update. FileZilla is updating its cache but isn’t sending the updates to the website.

--Minutes By OSA Secretary Syd Henderson       

                                          Contact person for Oklahoma Space Alliance is Claire McMurray.
                                                                                          PO Box 1003
                                                                                          Norman, OK 73070
Webmaster is Syd Henderson.

Copyright ©2025by Oklahoma Space Alliance.